Thursday 7 January 2016

GIG 13 - As Empires Burn / Depraved State / Spam Javelin / Dead Is Forever @ The North, Rhyl

Billed as 'Cooper's Birthday Bash' - Cooper played in Depraved State (making their live debut) and guitarist Ifan was donned in a weird toga and finished the very short set naked!
[This part written by Steve Rastin]
Old punks never die, they just wear earplugs when they play…….oh, and a Santa suit in January.
You’re never quite sure where Spam Javelin are coming from – a jokey name and song titles like “Nazi Line Dancers Fuck Off” suggest a bunch of people who aren’t taking themselves too seriously but there are also moments in their set where genuine anger boils to the surface.
This was the third time I’d seen them live and it was far and away their best set to date, despite the intervention of a drunken audience member trying to upstage them with an off-key rendition of a Beatles song.
In the end questions of how serious they are become irrelevant, they make a bloody loud racket that leaves you with a smile on your face, a spring in your step and a bulge in your trousers (OK, two out of the three!!!). The only disappointing aspect was the bass player’s unwillingness to get into the spirit of the evening by removing his clothing but that’s just a minor quibble (or so I’m told!!!).
Boys With Beards /  Service Resumed  / Dentist / Fucking Jerk / Life's A Bastard / Arseholageddon / Top Knot / Nazi Line Dancers / Fuck off /  Hate You / How Can You Die

GIG 75 - The Marine, Old Colwyn

29.02.20 - The Marine, Old Colwyn (with Dogsflesh, Rabo De Toro, Fatalist, Entity) Fuck You / Penclicker / Fake News / God Bless America ...